- Changjiang 1 NPP turbine building foundation complete2011/05/17
- Gu Jun becomes China's SNTPC's new GM2011/05/17
- Fangjiashan 2 NPP safety hatch installed successfully2011/05/17
- CGNPC's new mine in China's Xinjiang province to be producing uranium by 20132011/05/17
- Fangjiashan NPP charging pumps arrive on site for installation2011/05/17
- NRC Grants EIS to New Calvert Cliffs Reactor2011/05/16
- US plants safe in extreme events, NRC finds2011/05/16
- TEPCO Rethinks Containment Flooding Strategy2011/05/16
- Kozloduy used fuel store opens2011/05/16
- Fukushima fuel melt confirmed2011/05/16
- New Chinese safety laws will raise thresholds for entry, though new build scale will be unchanged2011/05/16
- Saudi Arabia announces new nuclear cooperation agreement with Korea2011/05/16
- China to spend $23 million in 2011 on nuclear safety2011/05/14
- China keeps nuclear power target unchanged at 70 mln kw by 2020, but access threshold to be raised2011/05/13
- GAO Auditors: DOE Should Prepare to Restart Yucca Mountain Work2011/05/13
- TEPCO: Fuel Completely Exposed in Core-Damaged Fukushima Reactor, Water Likely Leaking2011/05/13
- European stress tests still to be finalised2011/05/13
- China's Nuclear Industry Association: China's installed nuclear capacity will still surpass 40GW by 20152011/05/13
- 5 new NPP project proposals in China's Anhui province on temporary hold2011/05/13
- China’s Nuclear Safety Review Impact Will Be ‘Small,’ Energy Official Says2011/05/12
- Babcock & Wilcox Ohio Facility Receives ASME N-Stamp Certification2011/05/12
- Despite problems, agency says US nuke plants safe2011/05/12
- Third reactor starts operation in Pakistan2011/05/12
- NRC Orders Inspection at Browns Ferry after Valve Malfunction2011/05/12
- Flood risks may delay inland nuclear project2011/05/12
- Water poses questions for Tepco2011/05/12
- Chinese experts call for safer, more effective nuclear power development2011/05/12
- Fangjiashan 1 NPP turbine island first major equipment installed2011/05/12
- CNNC and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China sign agreement for foreign currency servicing2011/05/12
- Emerson's Rosemount Nuclear Instruments meets with SNPAS on AP1000 I&C technology cooperation2011/05/12
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