Ningxia Autonomous Region Updates 13th FYP to Include Plan for Inland NPP
The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission (DRC) has recently updated its 13th Five-year Plan (FYP), adding site selection for an inland NPP to the to-do list. In the original fourth section of the 13th FYP, “Construction of the Innovative Integrated National Renewable Energy Pilot Zone”, a new sentence has been added:
According to the state’s inland nuclear power development policy, (Xingxia is going to) proactively promote site selection, evaluation, and preservation for nuclear power project.
Moreover, in the “13th FYP Renewable Energy Key Projects” table, a new project is listed as “SPIC Ningxia Nuclear Power Phase I Project, 2000 MWe installation.” As earlier inland nuclear power projects have all been paused since the 2011 Fukushima accident, the Ningxia update of its 13th FYP is seen as an important signal that China’s inland nuclear power projects will be reactivated.
Project Progress of HPR1000 Units
· K2 – on October 16th, Karachi Unit 2’s pressurizer passed the pre-shipping hydraulic testing. The pressurizer was designed by the Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) and manufactured by Harbin Electric (Qinhuangdao) Heavy Industry Equipment Company.
· Fuqing Unit 5 – on October 17th, Fuqing Unit 5’s reactor cavity pool finished the 15-day watertight seal testing and no leaking was detected, so the result was found to be satisfactory. The reactor cavity pool consists of refueling pool and reactor internals storage pool. The cavity pool is the primary location for storage of both the upper and lower sections of the reactor internals and installation of the pressure vessel.
· Fuqing Unit 6 – on October 16th, Fuqing Unit 6’s reactor pressure vessel was shipped from Dalian. The RPV was designed and procured by NPIC and manufactured by China First Heavy Industries (CFHI).
· Fangchenggang Unit 3 – on October 16th, Fangchenggang Unit 3’s deaerator, a key piece of equipment for the conventional island’s secondary regenerative cycle, was shipped from manufacturer DEC Dongfang Boiler Group in Deyang, Sichuan Province.
China Nuclear Engineering Consulting Corporation Holds Evaluation Conference for Zhangzhou NPP Units 3-6 Project Proposals
On October 12th, under subcontract by China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd (CNNC), China Nuclear Engineering Consulting Corporation (CNECC) held an evaluation conference for proposals for the Zhangzhou Nuclear Plant Units 3-6 Project. Representatives and experts from Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute, CNNC, CNPE, CNNC-Guodian Zhangzhou Energy Company attended the conference.
LEU Shipped from CIAE for Nigeria’s Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) Conversion Project
On the morning of October 15th, low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel for Nigeria’s MNSR conversion project was shipped from China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). Following the successful completion of Ghana’s research reactor conversion, the Nigeria project is the second time China helps to convert a MNSR from high enriched uranium (HEU) to LEU. Both conversion cases are part of an international project supported by the IAEA to help decrease the proliferation risks associated with HEU fuel. The Nigeria project was initiated in September 2017. CIAE plays a key role in designing and processing LEU fuel, zero power test, transportation, field installation (Nigeria) and physical commissioning, etc.
SEC-KSB: Confidence in Completing Sample Test for CAP1400’s Wet-winding Motor RCP by End of 2018
On the morning of October 12th, relevant NEA leadership made a site visit to SEC-KSB and were debriefed about development of the wet-winding motor pump for CAP1400. The company said that it is confident in completing the sample test for the RCP by end of this year.
Gu Jun and Li Dingcheng Resigned as Chairman and President of CNEC
Mr. Gu Jun and Mr. Li Dingcheng have recently resigned as China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corporation’s Chairman and President, respectively. On October 15th, Xu Xiaoming was appointed to become the new President.