Nuclear News Weekly Roundup - 05/07 - 05/11
China (Shanghai) Experimental Free Trade Integrated Development Platform Established
On the afternoon of May 9th, China’s first integrated central-local development platform – the China (Shanghai) Experimental Free Trade Zone’s integrated central-local development platform establishing ceremony was held at Shanghai Expo Central SOE headquarters base. The platform is jointly prepared by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization and Pudong New Area Government and the future CNNC Shanghai headquarters will also locate in this area.
Taihai Manoir Nuclear Equipment Co. Ltd Reached Deal with Taihai Group to Purchase 100% of the Shares of Manoir Industries
Taihai Manoir Nuclear Equipment Co. Ltd announced on the evening of May 6th that it has signed a framework agreement with Yantai Taihai Group to purchase 100% of the shares of Manoir Industries. Taihai Manoir was formed in 2013 when Yantai Taihai Group acquired the nuclear, petrochemical and specialty business units of Manoir Industries. Both parties will make the final share trade plan upon further detailed communication on due diligence, auditing, evaluation, and discussion with regulating authorities.
“HPR1000 Reactor By-pass System Configuration Study” Evaluation Conference Held in Xi’an
On April 27th, the evaluation conference of the “HPR1000 Reactor By-pass System Configuration Study” was held in Xi’an. The project was conducted by China Energy Engineering Corporation’s China Power Engineering Consulting Group (CPECC). Experts and representatives from the CPECC headquarter as well as the Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute (EPPEI), EPECC’s six major subsidiary institutes and other organizations attended the conference. The study project analyzed the function of the bypass system and designed a configuration plan for it, including the allocation and layout of bypass valves and a design plan for the desuperheating water system, etc. The expert panel decided that the study project met its proposed requirements and is of direct significance to the subsequent work on the HPR1000 reactor type’s by-pass system. The project passed the evaluations.
Design and Testing Plan of the Test Platform for Equipment Usability in CAP1400 Severe Accident Hydrogen Explosion Environment Passed Examination
The design and testing plan of the test platform for equipment usability in CAP1400 severe accident hydrogen explosion environment, a CAP1400 Key National Project’s subsector project, recently passed its expert examination. Zhongchuan Heavy Industry’s No. 718 Institute developed the plan, which passed the evaluation. The evaluating panel consists of experts from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment’s Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, the State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC), the State Nuclear Power Technology Company (SNPTC), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and SNERDI.
Tianwan Unit 4 Finished Hot Testing, Preparing for Fuel-loading
At 23:15, May 7th, Tianwan Unit 4’s primary coolant system cycled down to 70 degrees Celsius, coming down from hot testing. It signifies that Tianwan Unit 4’s 42-day hot testing was successfully completed and is now in the phase of pre-fuel loading preparation. Tianwan Unit 4 is a VVER-1000 design that began pouring concrete in September 2013. Its sister unit at Tianwan 3 was connected to the grid in March, 2018.