Nuclear News Weekly Roundup – 10/23 - 10/27
World’s First HPR1000 Model Soon to Install Its Largest Primary Equipment
The first ZH-65 model steam generator of Fuqing Unit 5, China’s first flagship HPR1000, was shipped to site on October 20th and will soon be installed, according to Wang Guangjin, research fellow at NPIC. The ZH-65 model is the first steam generator that China holds proprietary intellectual property rights on. As nuclear safety class 1 equipment, steam generators transform heat from the reactor core into steam, which in turn generates power. The steam generator is the largest piece among all the primary equipment for HRP1000 reactors. It has more than 10,000 components and took three years to build. It is also known as the “lung of the reactor” because it is the hinge between the primary coolant system and secondary circuit.
Statement Released on Establishment of Marine Nuclear Power Company
A joint statement was released recently in China that five SOEs, including China National Nuclear Power Co. (CNNP) and Shanghai Electric, will invest one billion RMB to establish a marine nuclear power company, tentatively named as China Nuclear Marine Nuclear Power Development Corporation. The creation of the new company aims for facilitating sustainable development, merging nuclear technologies with naval technologies and offshore-platform engineering, and promoting localizing core technologies of marine nuclear power plants.